
Looks Like We're Neighbors Now

Joe felt sort of guilty. And was very concerned about Dawn. Until the moment Julie sat down next to him. Could this really be his luck? He put his customer on hold. And watched as Julie ran her fingers through her blond hair.

“Hey,” Julie said. “Looks like we’re neighbors now. It’s Jim, right?”

“No, Jim’s on The Office,” Joe said, surprised at himself. “I’m Joe. Or as I say to the bloodsuckers, ‘Welcome to Horizon Wireless! This is Joe. Joe to please ya.’”

“Joe pizza?” she asked.

“Joe.” He carefully enunciated each word. “To. Please. Ya.

“Well, that sounds nice, I guess,” Julie said. She plugged in her headset. “Did he really just say that?”

“I’m such a dork,” Joe said.

“A cute dork,” Julie said. She took a call. “Welcome to Horizon Wireless! This is Julie. Julie to please ya.” She muted her headset, giggled. “They hung up. Thought it was Pizza Hut.”

“I get that a lot. Why do you think I say it in the first place?”

“Well, you’ve got me sold.”

Joe was cute. He could work with that.

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