Hahaha. All that and he doesn’t have a checking account. I didn’t really like that the second to last line had the dash instead of quotes, not sure what the intended effect was, but I like the story!
@ Someday, you’ve been reading it as I’ve been editing it, I’m so sorry. I really do need to start writing them in Word or something before I post, but I just get bit and start typing.
It is ironic that the tag is non fiction. Did this happen to you? You have the scammer down pat, talking fast and not really answering the question. Perfect.
Yes, it happened to me, my name is Lane too. But the check I received was printed on regular floral note pad paper and the check number didn’t match what should have also been on the bottom and the written out amount didn’t match the numerical amount. But when you deposit through a machine, which I was instructed to do, the machine doesn’t catch that and, depending on my financial standing with the bank I could immediately draw the funds out.
I have a fried who is a legit Mystery Shopper, he loves it.