
A Woman's Ways

She knew there was something wrong as soon as she looked in his eyes. They were black as night and devoid of emotion. He quickly looked away, knowing he’d been made, but he still persisted in his endeavor. Most likely he underestimated her, thinking she was only a girl, what harm could she cause? It would prove to be his undoing.
The shot rang out, loud and clear despite the throng of pedestrians crowding the sidewalk. She had already adjusted her path so that the bullet only grazed the billowy material of her blouse. Before he could adjust his aim and try another attempt, she pierced his shoe with the three inch heel of her stiletto. He doubled over in pain (a rookie mistake!) allowing her to deftly pull her knife out of her purse and swiftly stab his back, perforating his lung. He crumpled onto the sidewalk, gasping, others giving him a wide berth.
She smiled. Foiled again. She patted her purse. She never left home without her wits, her heels or her knife. She would live to fight another day.

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