
"This Is Not A Test"....

“I see you managed to pull yourself away” Summer acknowledge Becky at her side.

“Commercial. Something about emergencies and stuff. What do you think it is?”

“Don’t know. Look at all the heads popping out of windows and doors. They hear it too.”

“Sounds like a bunch of girls screaming at the Teen Choice Awards…a LOT of girls. O.M.G, What’s that!?”

Summer followed Becky’s pointing finger. Her eyes rested on the full moon and the luminous ring that covered most of the Southern sky. A blackness moved like spilled ink in a bucket of water. Little drops seemed to get away then flit back towards the mass. But in all of this, even though it was an odd thing to happen, Summer notice something more strange. There was a darkness below, over the horizon.

“Look at the ground. The hills and the city lights, they’re turning black-

-A blackout! I’ve seen one! Season two! Dan and Serena-

“Shut up Becky” Summer shivered.

An arctic wind ripped the warm Monday night in half, the sky and earth seemed to unzip.

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