
Protecting the Protected from the Protector

The Presa Canario is a large 160lb dog with a thick deep chest and larger than normal head. The head is monolithic, girder like, with a bite force of 600lbs. The jowels are thick and hang down like a large pair of rabid bats and the interior lips are dark as oily coal.

However, it’s not smart, eats when bored, and is lazy and prefers yawning over barking. This doltish beast is a great protector, but once the smallest level of trust is gained, the grayish giant will walk off with just about anyone, thus abandoning its post.

The Chihuahua has survived thousands of years living underfoot. It scatters like a roach, survives off crumbs, and may be found asleep under a rock or pillow. The squashable Chihuahua is naturally fearful of anything new in its environment, and the little brown rat barks incessantly until calmed or shut away.

Thus, a symbiotic relationship is realized. Throw a tiny nervous toy-like creature in with one gargantuan stumbling unpredictable oafish beast, and all is right in the world.

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