What Awaits Us All
“How is it you seem to know so much more than the rest of us?” Something about his quizical behavior reminded me of and engaged my own childhood wonder.
“It happened so fast. When the light came I could not struggle, nor was I worried. A seductive serenity enveloped me…and in a bright flash, like the blink of an eye…I was removed from earth,” as the words fell from his lips, something turned over within him and slowly he started sobbing again, quietly. I walked faster hoping to lose him. “Questions. There’s no end to ‘em, but questions aren’t the problem,” his tears ended. Snickers became mad laughter again as he continued, “Imagine always knowing at least three different answers to every question, all of which are true!”
“Look pal, you’ve been on the outside looking in for too long,” having reached my car and lost my patience I finished, “Haven’t you tried getting help, looks like you could use it.”
“I don’t believe I need it, yet.” his words struck a chord, “It’s humanity that needs help…”