The Phantasm
I watched the humanoid figure stand solemnly where the waves hit the sand, its purple-hued ethereal skin always changing in opacity. With every breeze that was cast ashore, a part of it would sway and dance like wildfire, small blue embers spiraling upwards.
A chill swept into me and all around turned grey yet the figure retained its colour. I had come too close to it.
It turned and I could do nothing but stare in frozen terror as it began to walk in my direction. Slowly I sunk into the sand and felt it solidify around my ankles. I was trapped as it edged closer. Its mouth widened until it stood less than a foot away from me. I stared into its abyssal eye sockets and I saw everything.
It gave me it all and took it away. I begged it for it back – to give me back that feeling.
I fell to my knees and stared upwards into its face craning over mine until it became the starlit sky and I, a lost figure in an endless desert.