Uncommon Encounter
When Tyson left his friends and the nightclub, his eyes just flew over the unknown faces in the queue in, but stopped to look at a pretty, young girl who looked directly at him. She smiled and Tyson couldn’t help but turn his head and return the smile. Just when his hand started a waving motion a young man came up behind him, rushed past and went up to the girl.
He grabbed her arm and she flinched. Too dumbstruck because the girl hadn’t smiled at him, Tyson decided to go over and to offer the girl help if she needed any. Just at this moment a taxi squeaked past him and he had to jump backwards. To Tyson’s surprise the taxi stopped where the man and the girl were standing and Tyson could hear the taxi driver scream: “Are you out of your mind?!”
The girls face reddened and she seemed to push the man into the backseat of the taxi whilst arguing with him. She looked up and saw Tyson, composed herself within a second, put her finger in front of her lips and signalled Tyson to never mention what he had seen.