

…and so they sit and they wait and they watch in the coldgrey concretegray ashgrey wastes of worldafter, the lost leftovers

they sit on the things that once had names but are now just thingsthatwereonce like the leftovers themselves and watch

before that they spoke of the warmlightglory and the busyhappypeople and the greattallbuildings of worldbefore and before that it was worldbefore and the busyhappy people that they used to be did nothing but speak

now they do not speak

now there is no reason to speak

there is nothing to speak of in worldafter

so they wait through the feargrey night and they wait through the hungergrey day and sit on the things that were and watch the other leftovers and the other thingsthatwereonce

and now and then one of the leftovers falls from the thingthatwasonce into the softgrey deathgrey ash that covers worldafter from horizon to horizon world without end and lies unmoving

and their waiting is over…

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