
i am drugs

i’m like a stoner without the stoned
i’ve become the things they warned me about
in school when they lied to us
and told us drugs were a terrible thing
and they told us never to drink and drive
(one thing i agree with them on)
and the officer came to our school
and showed us diseased lungs and teeth
he said “if you ever do drugs
especially marijuana
you’ll lose interest in life
and you won’t be able to breathe
and you’ll be extremely paranoid
and you’ll not care about life
and you’ll not care about school
and you’ll start failing
and burn out
and be miserable

well, guess what? that’s me
minus doing the drugs
i guess i’m just high on life
with the same side effects
so why not do drugs?
it cannot hurt just to try
and if it hurts me, so what?
it’s not like i care anyway

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