

Wondering what was life changing about graduating, besides moving since Madeline couldn’t stand it at home, she would stay out in search of something, not knowing what it was. She started getting to know her older sisters friends, sitting out chatting with them, finding peace in having a group she could trust. No one would ever know all the blackness in her heart. The blackness took over when her friends fed her to the wolves. It consumed her as a wild fire consumes a home within seconds with years of devastation and repair time as one attempts to look forward. Those feelings of guilt, pain, suffering, that her decision to open up to certain people hurt, that it was used against her. She was a great person with a great heart, and now all that what was left of her was anger and resentment. She fell for everything. Wore her heart on her sleeve. Keeping those feelings to herself, even her love of anything, she became unreachable! No man would be able to break through those walls. Until one day one did.

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