
Side Effect (Superhero Black Hole, part 106)

Me and Zoe glanced at each other with the expression on our faces that said:
What next?

“Side effects?,” I asked with a hint of portentiousness in my voice.

Al answered my question with a question.
“You entered and re-entered that universe for an unknown amount of time, correct?”

“Ooh, Al, you make it sound so dirty,” quipped the smart-ass that is Zoe.

I sighed. “Indeed I did.”

“And eventually you found that your time-gliding capabilities exceeded previous experience.”

Not a question.
Unnerving much?

“Do you know all this because of Future Me?”

“Mostly. You found that you travelled all the way back to the very beginnings of planet Earth – further than you had ever gone before. When you were pulled back to the In-Between, you met your other iterations, and managed to escape with their help.”

“Guilty as charged,” I muttered.

“The In-Between acts as an amplifier of the unique type of energy within all time-travellers,” said Al. “The longer you are within it, the more powerful your capabilities.”

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