My Fellow Ficlyteers...
After the applause for Brebelle’s hearfelt poetry dies down, I trek across the stage. The auditorium is filled with a curious blend of avatars that reminds me of Stephenson’s Metaverse.
Public speaking always turns my mouth into a desert. I use the complimetary bottle of water to briefly moisten my lips and tongue and begin.
“My Ficly Family. I salute you and your efforts. I consider Ficly a home unlike any others. It also my proving ground. Tonight I would like to give my thanks to Kevin, Jason and Joe and honor some of the friends I’ve made:
August- Mentor and partner in crime
Jessica Cahill- Enchanting partner in crime
THX- Master Commenter
Sir Bic- Role model and Knight
Elsha- Cool Older sister
Cherished Younger Siblings: Abby Wall, Mickeydoodle, and Kihd.
Elizabeth Greenberg- SO TALENTED!
32^2- Brother in arms
Shu Sam Chen- Sci-fi Master.
The ones I miss: Jim Stitzel, Horrorfan13, H.S. Wift, Mostly Harmless, RoseTone, SMDasilva, Abstract Rorschach, Fool Hearted, Garsec G, 3rd Robot, Seven, zxvasdf."