
The Consequences Can Be Dire

If there’s one thing in the world I would want complete control over, it would be my death. I’m not like most people who want to be immortal; Immortality only prolongs your suffering. Also, I don’t want to die in my sleep or anything peaceful. No, that would make my death worthless.

I want my death to have consequences.

I want control over the events that occur after my death and watch the people it affects. I want to see my mother break down in tears over me; I want to see my best friend get angry and close people off because I was selfish in my death; I want my grandmother to pay tribute to me. It fascinates me how after death I would still have complete control over those who were close to me.

I decide that my family is too small for my death to cause enough damage. Even if people aren’t feeling sorry for me, my death has brought them to a different place, whether it be by my actual departure from this world or my actions leading up to it. I wrap the bomb around my waist.

I’m ready to make history.

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