Boom! Goes the Dynamite
The first thing you learn about in government training is never to panic; panicking makes you do stupid things. It’s all good on paper, but a complete different story in practice. The tape recorder was the solution and apparently the problem as well.
“Maybe he’s bluffing,” Gretchen said, clearly out of panic. We both knew this man meant what he said.
“We can’t really take that chance. How the hell do we get past this?” I was trying not to sound paranoid. The screaming man didn’t need anymore reason to wish he was somewhere else. “I have an idea,” I walked towards the man slowly and barely touched one of the dynamite sticks that were wrapped around his waist.
Promptly, I began to see the construction of the dynamite. All of the different owners who sold, bought, and tried using the dynamite. The most recent owner’s face was unclear… and there was a gap between the time that the shadowy man purchased the dynamite and him placing it on a belt.
“Gretch! It’s on a time limit, the tape recorder is a fake!”