It's a Boy!
“No! NOOOO! Not yet! Please, my baby, MY BABY!”
“Nurse! More Nifedipine, another dose of Magnesium Sulfate, push Prostaglandin followed by another bolus of Terbutaline, S.T.A.T!”
“Doctor, the mother…”
“Do as I ordered. She paid for her child to be born at exactly 12:oo midnight!”
“22:57 Doctor!”
“Don’t let me have my baby until New Year’s Eve, Plea…”
“Her blood pressure doctor! Carotid pressure forty over palp!”
“She’s gone doctor.”
“‘Thank God, remove the vaginal clamp. Nurse, you might need a catcher’s mitt.”
“Got him.”
“These rich celebrities and their designer birth dates. This time mother nature won, no c-section needed here. What’s his APGAR Score?”
“Nine out of Ten doctor.”
“Good job everyone. Nurse? Could you contact Social Services?”
“What department, doctor.”
“Adoptions, code: New Year Kiss.”
“Can I take him instead doctor, mine left for college.”
“Take him out the backdoor, I’ll do the paper work.”