you need a comma in “what department, doctor?” vaginal clamp?! Oh my parts! How they cringe! This story deserved to be written, having read that article. 3AM birth is a problem for you?? You mean you’ll have a baby for the press, but it better work on YOUR schedule?! Puh-lease. Babies have their own.
so does she even call?? does she adopt or just take the baby?? eh, who cares, it’s all absurd. :) What do i suggest? well, when you say “she paid for her child to be bord at exactly midnight” and you get here by a new year’s challenge link.. it’s not christmas. I say scrap the week early thing, and go with risking the mom’s life for vanity.
I think leaving the question of should I contact the father out of the story may make it run a little smoother because your left hanging he never says yes or no. so its kinda confusing how they get to asking that to calling social services… and then, what was he going to register January first??? that leaves you hanging too…so just a little confused on the story if that even belongs…
Great points Sage. I’ve never written absurdism, even though I love reading it. But it has to be believable too, that’s why I formulated it on fact, it’s kind of lazy, but saves half the argument.