

“General, we have a possible breach. A soldier is, let’s say, questioning skips in his memories.”

“Let’s see his personal cam.”

“It’s downloading now. The problem is, he’s our seasoned best. These types of memories usually bleed through during selection. We simply recruit only those that can be hypnotized, that’s the mental pathway we need to manipulate. As you know sir, only ten percent of humans can be successfully hynotized deep enough to be rooted. Captain Song rooted just fine.”

General Ria views Song’s optical diary. Song is trying to convince another soldier about flashing scenes, clinically known as flashbacks or skips. He wants to know why he wakes sore every morning.

“Doctor Ing, is the medication failing, has the quality been compromised?”

“General, project Medicated and Motivated has been successful for two hundred years. There’s only one possibility. I discovered Song’s great great grandmother was pressed from an asylum. It’s possible he’s been exposed to M&M Salts through his lineage.”

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