Straying from the Routine
Dear Diary,
Really didn’t want to work today. I realize most people probably wake up with that mindset on a regular basis, but I actually enjoy what I do. Well, usually, but not this week. The groups I’ve had to teach have been full of little kids who can’t seem to pick up on even the simplest techniques. They don’t pay attention and they don’t seem to care about learning anything. So here I am, overseeing a bunch of kids with ADD while their parents sit around and drink micro brews at the lodge.
I needed a break.
So I skipped out on work and went to a comedy club in a nearby town. The scheduled act was canceled so it became an open mic night. I decided to give it a shot. Wow, was that a bad idea! I bombed hard and it was a humiliating experience. Not only that, but I’m on thin ice at work right now. Last time I’m doing that.
Coincidentally, I heard that a stand up comedian on a short sabbatical from one of his routines took up skiing for the first time today. He hit a tree at 40 mph and died on impact.