
When did it happen?

Was it while leaving college? After you closed the final suitcase – but before you turned, and found her crumpling into your arms.

Was it a few years later? At night, working in the office, when an unexpected phone call filled your chest with familiar warmth… And moments later, ice.

Was it a few months after that? Handing over a wad of money for a bottle of champagne, and a pack of cigarettes. The champagne for them, the cigarettes for you.

Two years later, standing at your own ceremony – did it happen then? While waiting. Waiting. Waiting. And then the words, I do.

Was it upon viewing your guest book? Her best wishes immortalized in ink, and a passing reference to… Something not quite forgotten. Her words diffused into faded rainbows through teardrop splatters.

Or still, a decade after that? A chance meeting at a coffee shop… Where five minutes can be stretched into three hours. And a hug can be transformed into a lasting embrace.

When did you give up on her? And when did she give up on you?

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