A little confusing. Definitely creepy though. Strange cult, religious twist to the challenge. I like it. the only thing I would mention is the 2nd to last paragraph, the last sentence of it. It seems kind of, awkward. I had to read it a couple times to realize what it was saying.
just a minor edit :) " discovered a fifty years ago"… not sure “a” is needed, probably left over from your last edit.
like all of your stories, this story pisses my muses off. Its uniquely intersting and doesn’t rely on contrived tropes for character developement. My muses were contemplating a story for this challenge, and you just raised the bar. So f you and your amazing story ideas and execution.
@Krulltar, I focus on my launching pad, a main idea that I try to keep unique, but possible and found in current events. Many of the religious spout fault, like 9/11 on gays. If there was an Apocalypse, I believe there would be a wave of blame and retribution, it always has been and probably will be, like self flagellation. In my story, this new God requires flagellation as a form of prayer.
I like your term “launching pad” as a representation of your main ideas foundation.
I agree that human nature pushes to find meaning and substance in our actions, even if it means we bow down to a sadistic deity who doesn’t nessecarily have out best interest at heart.
and fyi, my muses are still pissed that you’re far better at story ideas than them.
I’d never considered what would become of the religious after an “apocalyptic” event. I enjoyed this perspective on the dark underbelly of wasteland religion.
Thanks everyone for the comments. I respect all of you and your words and criticisms. All of your opinions are cherished and accepted with an open mind and heart.