
Our date

The tinkling of glass and cutlery sounded like a giant walking over a field of crushed diamonds. The violins screeched in the background as we took our seats at a table. My face felt stiff. It was probably the excess make-up I’d required to hide my eye-bags. I felt slightly hot under his gentle gaze. Since when did it hold such intensity? It took a while for me to relax and warm up to him. We were nearly back to normal.

You alright, sweetie? You’re looking a little peaky today.
He knows. Go on, tell him what we did last night. You enjoyed it…

I jumped, that voice shattering my consciousness, that voice over the phone in the silent darkness of my bed.

I love you.
[Gentle brush of my hand, I resist the urge to draw away]
Does he know? That he’s no longer THE one, that you’ve fallen out of love?
I love you too.
Think he could tell that was a lie

My heart screamed silently, but the voice wouldn’t leave. I knocked the wine glass over, the crimson stain spreading over the white table cloth.

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