
Audrey G. Burnett: Popular Yet Oblivious

“You’d think that after a year anda half they would get it that I am absolutely miserable here.” Audrey huffed as she began sketching an idea for her own ornithopter that she hoped to build one day.

Crow snorted, “You’re not miserable all the time. You like it here in the aerodrome. You like sketching and writing which is artistic enough for you to be able to fit in here at Storm Colors. You don’t mind working in Mercy’s Hotel and I know you like the attention the boys give you.”

Audrey’s jaw dropped, “Boys like Fireborn? He creeps me out! I’d rather change my name than spend one minute of time with him.”

Crow grinned, “I have eyes, Audrey. Fireborn is not the only one. You’re exotic on a whole new level for them. You refuse to fit into the mold of being unique and expressing yourself. The parents consider you a danger.”

“Where did all this information come from?” Audrey asked, disbelieving.

Crow smiled, “I have sources. Plus, Mercy and Mr. Steele are known for speaking their minds about everything.”

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