
tribute to the slug girl

I’ve seemed to slow down quite a bit lately.
Everything and everyone seems to be so fast,
so faraway and even my own words escape me
when they run from my mouth and as they seemed
to slow down, to a grinding halt, I found myself unable
to speak normally. Yes, Yuuko , I’m becoming like you.
My tongue feels alien, alive in my mouth – yes, it’s a slug.
It refuses to listen to me as it writhes in its own silver slime
all over me, so frantically, I cut it off, yet it – and I – survived.
So I took a dip in a bath of salt and I could feel myself shrinking,
shriveling, as though all my worries and burdens were escaping me.
Yes, my senses and thoughts are being numbed, my body’s shrinking
with only my head left -I’m going to become a house for the slug-tongue,
my face to be fixed in permanent sorrow as the shell’s decor: ah, I feel tired.

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