
Puked (Superhero Black Hole, part 120)

sssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa dude?


ssssssshhhhhhhhhaaaaa doyourequirehelp? noitscoolgimmeaminuteDUDE!

“What do you want?!”

“I think you can get out of the foetal position now,” said Zoe.

I peeked out from the darkness I had cocooned myself into.

Indeed, I was shaped like a foetus.

Indeed, Zoe was alive. (As was Al, but meh.)

Indeed, we were in the In—

I sat up with a jolt.

Looked around me.


Plush seats?

Velvet curtains?

Humungous screen?

House lights up?

Sticky floor?!

“Fuck me, we’re in the In-Between, aren’t we,” I half-said, half-asked (half-screamed, too).

“I’d hate to jump to conclusions, but I would say this must be the place,” said Zoe.

“We have arrived successfully,” Al said to neither of us.

I started stammering. “How— I mean, how, like—”

“Are we alive,” said Zoe. “Dude, c’mon. I’m freakin’ Supergirl right now! Blue flash. Remember it? Kinda my calling card?”

“Oh. Yes. Course. Righto.”

My insides were twisting.

Hence the vomiting.

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