"IF" (Scottsdale Style)
THIS is where you chose to MOVE?”,I spat. We had left good ol’ California to move to WORST PLACE IN THE WORLD: Scottsdale. So of course, that made Scottsdale’s beach the WORST IN THE WORLD .I glared at everything I saw in Scottsdale’s beach: the people,the rocks,the waves…Even the sand. Negative vibes were practically ROLLING off of me. A voice called out, “Hey!” when a beach ball rolled to a stop next to me.
I glared at the beach ball before throwing it back so fast that if it would slice anything near it.
“What’s YOUR problem?!” The boy sounded utterly offended. I just grunted.
“So that’s all you’ve been doing?”,said the boy,sitting next to me towel,”you’ve haven’t been trying to have a good time?”
For the first time,I looked at him. My hair whipped around my head and into my mouth. He grinned as I spat the hair out of my mouth,I realized that I was actually happy.
“What’s your name?”
“Jean.” I said, “yours?”
I couldn’t stop grinning when I left. Maybe Scottsdale wasn’t so bad.