
Madness Abandoned

She flew at the door, rattling the handle though the lock had long since rusted shut in its slot. She screamed madly, eyes wild, hair flying around her face. Her hands moved from the door handle to banging on the wooden door, rattling the whole frame. A crack appeared in the woodwork, creeping up and round the handle fitting. The door flew open, splinters of wood flying in to the deserted corridor as she stumbled from the loss of resistance. Her bare feet slapped against the wooden floor, breaking the silence.
She paused for a moment at the top of some stairs, cackling madly. The asylum had been long abandoned, only she had been left.
She finally arrived at the main doors, flinging her body against them. Outside, chains were looped through the handles of the steel doors. She cackled madly as she threw herself again and again. She stopped, scratching at her flesh, locked in madness. Passers by gave a cautious glance at the building that had suddenly sprung to life, ignoring the laughter and shuddering doors.

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