
The Morgans' Christmas Letter B


It is the year 1968. The bombs dropped about a week ago, and communication networks are all down. A nuclear winter has fallen over the town, but I’ve managed to survive in this cellar. There’s enough provisions for a while, but I’ll need to head out eventually.

Time has been harsh. I have seen what happened to those who were covered with snow: the terrible ,terrible things I’ve seen. I’ve moved from town to town, barely covered, but surviving. Maybe God has chosen me to be the last man on Earth. Perhaps I am. I’ve seen entire families die out, and mine was no exception.

I do not know why I am still alive. Perhaps I wasn’t exposed enough to the snow, but my memory’s going hazy. I’ve been seeing hallucinations, other mes in the room. I fear for my sanity.I am keeping an envelope with my entries, in case my memory fails me.

In case I truly do forget,
my name is Robert Morgan Jr.
my name is Robert Morgan Jr.
It is the 20th of December, 1968,
and I am the last man alive on Earth.

God bless my soul.

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