
Reconstruction: Part 1 (Day 3)

History has been a wavy topic in human history. History didn’t officially start until we could write. Then we lost most of it and have to learn about it all over again.

I wasn’t even a part of it. I was born after the outbreak. Thinking back to how things were fine, then weren’t fine, and now are fine again, it’s mind-boggling. Apparently the undead creatures were a part of fiction already? I guess one of the big crazes were these things before they were real. “Zombies” is what we called them. Movies, games, books, all of that. How ironic? The very thing we all couldn’t get enough of was the thing that wiped most of us out.

Now here we are. Building life. Still. It’s a little unfair that I’m getting the short end of the stick when it comes to living in that part of history. Not being able to go to these “malls” or “parks” or such and such. Building. Constructing. Rebuilding. Reconstructing. Every single piece of humanity from almost scratch. In hopes that we can live that way again. I can only hope.

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