Reconstruction: Part 5 (Day 12)
Out soared black hawks from the sunny open sky. The soldiers spread out. This was their last mission. The dead have been herded out to the rural center of America.
“Move in!”
The black hawks reported back on the undead crowd below while the soldiers pushed back any oppression left over.
The crowd grew and grew. Amassing thousands. Tens of thousands. Hundreds of thousands. The city was overflowing at the seams with moans and flailing. The soldiers swelled with anger, excitement, sorrow, vengeance. It’s one thing to them to kill a few after they’ve taken your loved ones. It’s another to close the book on the enemy that has destroyed your life, species, and world.
Missiles to lure the walking corpses were sent further and further into the heart of the broken city.
“We’ve got everything going according to plan. They’re all going down the middle. Over.”