
(Day 10) Not Yet.

The shadows all blended together and it seemed there was no end of light to give them strength. Swimming in the depths of his bed, Jason did his best to keep the shade and it’s brighter siblings from getting into his eyes.

He had been here for two days – overlooking binge eating on the leftover junk food and using the bathroom – and it wasn’t time to get out…

Not yet.

There were many voices in his head. Some real, some fragmented and distorted memories, and some feared; yet all were telling him the same thing:

It was all his fault.

The trip, the refusal to stop at a rest area, the too-firm application of the brakes, the over correct, and not to mention the car.

All had been his idea, his fault. They were a perfect and terrifying chain of events that flung them side-over-side into the ditch and killed her.

He shifted to his right side again, relieving the pent-up blood flow on his left and then sighed, fighting down the hunger pangs this time. Echoing through the house, a phone rang…

No, not yet.

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