
The Dealer & The Apprentice

She searched the crowd for a good subject, piercing through the rapidly moving masses.

She pointed to a Mi’Loorian man lugging an oversized suitcase which was obviously carrying a mercury-wrapped object of sentimental value. “That one. What is his story, Cashy?”

The girl next to her spotted the man as he paced back and forth on the street and she watched him for a few heartbeats. “He is looking for a safe place to sleep. He just arrived from the Balall Colony today on the 2:15 train. He is of some standing by the way he carries himself and the extremely expensive but old watch he has on his left wrist. My guess is, he might have a buyer for the item he is obviously trying to sell but he needs to sleep on it. Also, by the way he keeps looking in every alley on the other side of the street, I think he is looking for a Dealer.”

“Nice, Cashy. Too bad he is looking on the wrong side of the street. You mind bringing him to my office?” She smiled as she stepped into the shadows of a black alley.

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