A Word
It begins.
A word.
Sleek and dignified,
Seeping in through the eyes,
Careering over the lips
Into the world.
A single word
Humming noisily,
Starting as only these letters
Only to grow wider
Spreading into the ether.
Just one word.
It flips a switch,
Lighting up the corners
Brushing away the dust
Revealing something forgotten.
A graceful word,
Gliding over waves
Flitting across clouds
Up into the sky,
Into oblivion.
The word
That sparks a flame
That ignites a bonfire
That signals the masses
And brings a revolution.
The word
That nudges a rock
That drops into the ocean
That starts a wave
And ends an empire.
The word
Only known to you,
Lighting up your eyes,
Flushing out your face,
As pen puts to paper.
The word,
That begets a sentence
That creates a paragraph
That encompasses a novel
To be read by millions.
So small and slight
That come together
Linking arms
To change the course of history.