
And the Winner is....Sammy!

“Ryan, what are you doing?”


“We’ve talked about this, that’s not an appropriate answer. Remember your grandmother insisting you answer her in full sentences? Nothing is the same thing. There’s no such thing as doing nothing.”

“Mom! I’m not one of your patients. You’re always trying to get into my head. I don’t want you messing with my brain.”

“Hon, we’ve had long conversations about using absolutes such as always. Those are swearwords, worse than f… as far as I’m concerned. Now, about this nothing.

“So, motherrrr, I suppose you want me to do chores. Is this your way of getting me to do something for you?”

“Let’s you and I agree that you do something you like that I agree is healthy. No T.V.”

“Can I go to the arcade?”

“Yes, as long as you take Sammy.”

“I knew it! You want me to babysit!”

“Ryan. You get what you want and I get what I want too; you spending time with your little brother.”

“You have to drive us—

“The grass is looking a little long…


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