Liddil Did I Know
This old man
He wrote ficlets
He wrote ficlets
on Ficly.
With a lightning bolt
as his avatar
he became
a Ficly star!
You know, I always thought of you as my crazy little sister. Then you told me the picture was your crazy sister and I was devastated. It’s like I lost everything that day. Everything I thought I knew about you was a lie! I cried for days. :)
Just about that time I met a old fella named Bob. I didn’t know he was old at first. I thought he was some cool kid that liked The Flash. So I wrote some stories and he commented on them. He always had nice things to say.
Once when looking at his profile, I noticed he hadn’t made any friends. People followed him, but he didn’t follow anyone. So I asked him about it and he said, ‘I don’t worry about that stuff’. – Words to live by.
I think about ol’ Bob every now and then. I wonder where he is; where he’s writing now. I wonder if he’ll ever be back.
Yesterday, I revisited his stories. Reading the title of his last story hit me hard. I sighed. :(