A self-replicating, stone-age, nano-computer? Sweet! I like it. – Good of you to bring back the ex-wife, Janet, and it’s nice know the Jordanians are backing off. – I wonder how the Dean is doing? BTW, did you ever do that ‘character connection chart’? – I could really use it. Ah, what a tangled web we’ve weaved…
…I tried to relate the connections, but my database skills just aren’t up to it. However, I think that I may have discovered that rarest and most fragile of things: a plot. Let’s see if we can feed each other enough clues over the next few episodes to make it work – or if future developments will derail it entirely.
Still a very bizarre situation, but I really like the banter and characters in the midst of the situation. It’s exactly how it should be—real, relatable characters with background crap in their lives who wind up dealing with something out of the ordinary.