
Origin: Fission

“New suit?” Carter raised an eyebrow. “Looks expensive.”

“It was…” Shaw thumbed his lapel. “Thought I should wear my material assets, if Janet’s going to try to get her hands on them. I wouldn’t deny her the pleasure of taking the shirt off my back."

“No reconciliation then?”

Shaw laughed. “At least the JPAC have let-up. Odd how they seem to know we’ve lost something we claimed never to have.”

Carter nodded. “Not entirely lost, though.” He held out a dish, containing a tiny chunk of rock.
“The fission track dating sample.”

Shaw leapt up. “Of course! I’d forgotten about that. Result?”

“4.5 Ma – not surprising. But this is.” He tipped the chunk onto a digital balance. “A precise 1 gram sample”.

Shaw read the display: 3.4 g. He looked at Carter, puzzled. “It’s gained mass?”

“After neutron bombardment. In fact, I’d say it’s actually…grown.”

“Grown?” Shaw stared at him in amazement. “Right, that settles it. We need answers, and I think I know where to find some. Come on Pip – we’re going on holiday.”

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