
Jack & Jill.

Jill sat at the bar with friends and a slam of a door exploded in the bar. A man stumbled towards Jill, she could smell the booze already.
“Jill…” the man slurred.
She could hear the liquid sloshing in his belly. She finally looked at him, “what are you doing, Jack?”
“I need to talk to you.”
“Ok…let’s talk outside.”
Jill dragged Jack out and walked to the edge of the hill. Jack started to walk towards her with open arms.
“That’s far enough,” she shivered, “Look, you signed the papers, it’s over.”
“But I know we can fix it!” The tears rolled down his eyes. His hands latched on her shoulders, “YOU STILL LOVE ME!”
“Let go of me, Jack!” She pushed back on him with all her might and as she fell to the ground, he fell down the hill and a sound of cracking skull echoed.
Jill screamed.
People ran out from the bar and looked at the scene. A woman gasped, “Oh my gosh! I think he’s dead!”
The bartender looked over the ledge, “Let the cops find him. Here’s the bar and there he is, everyone knew he was a drunk.”

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