
Kertline Considers

He had supposed that his capture of the Stone would have been the climax, the end of his adventure. Nothing was farther from the truth; in a way, all his other trials had been mere exposition in comparison. The real danger was in fact just getting started.
Narsit put on a burst of speed. He needed to concentrate on escape now, not his own history. He wanted to put the Stone into his pouch, but it was impossible in the dark and on the move. He could barely see. He would have to see how well the guard could keep up.

The guard was named Kertline, the latest daughter in a long line of palace sentinels. The Warlock had not always been in charge, of course, but he had not changed the system that was already in place when he had come in 16 years earlier. He had counted on the guards’ fickle natures: he hoped they’d remain loyal to whoever paid them their salt.
In this case, with the treasure escaping before her, Kertline had to make a grave decision in the space of a few seconds. There were reasons to let him go.

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