
The Gods Are Restless

There was once many worlds. One world decided it wanted to be One. First, they built Elemental Machines, then they buried the universe’s Four Natural Gods on Earth.

Earth is like Australia, an island for prisoners. Here, the Naturals are buried alive.

Under the Himalayas the God of Air, Everest, suffocates and only half alive.

Frozen within earth’s deepest oceanic trench the God of Water, Mariana, feels the weight of the world on her pressured heart. She cries tidal waves and weeps typhoons.

The God of Fire, Sahara, boils in anger heating Africa’s rolling sands. Every now-and-then his frustrations soar and the land explodes.

Chernozem, the God of Soil, molders under a large swath of highly fertile black richness from Russia through Europe. Sometimes she shudders in pain and earth splits.

Soon they will be free. Man-made disasters, mining, nuclear explosions, have all weakened earth’s crust. Soon all four Naturals will once again reign supreme, but not until they’ve won the War of all Wars.

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