Thanks to HSAR for bringing to attention my glaring mistakes. Ugh! (Note to self: late night writings are to be saved as drafts.)
Thanks to HSAR for bringing to attention my glaring mistakes. Ugh!
(Note to self: late night writings are to be saved as drafts.)
This is awesome, would love to see a sequel where the gods awaken or something similar.
I too love this Big theology stuff (with a capital B). I particularly like Mariana…the weight of the world on her pressured heart.
I enjoyed this one. I like the metaphor and imagery used to illustrate what’s really going on.
I don’t know. I think this is too little for one story. It would be great if each part was given its own sequel, so that we could know why. I normally love your writing 32^2, but I think this needs work. ~Wednesday
@Wednesday: Then treat this as a prologue and write a sequel about one of the gods.