
Big Apple Pie

You may or may not know me, so let me introduce myself. My name is Scarlett Lilly Douay and I’m seventeen years old. I have brown hair that extends down my back; it’s naturally straight but I try to make it seem curly almost everyday. I am 5 ft. 6 and still growing, I hope!
Two months ago, I got an offer from my father to play myself in the new reality series “Big Apple Pie”. If you’re wondering why I would get this offer from my dad, it’s because he’s the owner of the production company that is producing this show. The way he described the show made it sound like a great opportunity not to mention, a piece of cake…or pie! He said all I had to do was live my life and they’d tape it. The show was originally supposed to be scripted and feature a bunch of well known celebs but the director suggested a more “eccentric” approach, so they cast my friends and me. I didn’t think I was ready when he pitched the idea to me but I really had no choice but to accept his offer.
Love Always,
Scarlett Lilly Douay

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