
The Road

Darkness was decending upon the mountains as the three companions climbed up the side of the ancient rock wall. The stones were large oblong and old, and finding fingerholds was like trying to squeeze fingers between bricks set in a wall.
Soon Ella was poking her head above the top. She pulled herself up and over allowing Clemens and Horrace to follow. When they reached the top they saw a wide grass covered roadbed that stretched around the mountain in either direction.

“Well, this should be easier than below,” Horrace wiped his brow with an old rag from his pocket.

“Hopefully we are close,” Ella said squinting at the distant cloud shrouded mountainside.

Clemens spoke,“It seems more disturbed, so I think we are.”

They walked forward, following the direction they had been going far below. Soon they passed a rock outcropping, seeing a colorful tent with a tall wooden brightly painted wagon attached to the back. An old woman stood near it, beckoning them in.
They followed.

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