Master of Equus: Prologue cont.(2)
Old Shamus had been with her family her entire life and her father’s as well. It was said that his family had been serving hers in the stables as Head Groom and herders since the beginning of the beginning. Her father would tell her stories of how his gran-fa and Shamus’ gran-fa had fought side by side in the Feraling Rebellions of long ago. That they became best friends and after the war, her gran-fa asked Gran-Shamus to stay with him and serve in the Royal Stables.
At the time, her Gran-fa was next in line for the throne. Gran-Shamus agreed and when Her Gran-fa became King, he honored Gran-Shamus’s friendship as he had promised by appointing him, Head Groom of the Royal Stables. This honor had been passed down through the generations and now fell to Shamus. Shamus confirmed the story occasionally by telling her things like, " Aye, Mi-Lady, as my ole’ Gran-Fa would tell your Gran-Fa, the King….." and impart to her some tidbit of wisdom or wit.
Christine liked the old man. He was kind and gentle.