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“Shaw Lambone, New Wroxeter, Nov 18 – Guests at an exclusive city restaurant and nightclub had their evening disturbed when violence erupted in the dining room. Couples enjoying a meal at The Topaz, East Green St, were horrified when a fight broke out between the proprietor and an unknown male diner, who brandished a gun at terrified onlookers before escaping in the company of a young woman, believed to be his accomplice. Our source reports that also present were Mr Alberto DeSibio and associates. City businessman DeSibio has not been seen in public since being implicated in the Carpozi scandal nearly a year ago, when corruption at the highest level was uncovered in the city police department and judiciary by incoming Commissioner, now Mayor, Robert Lafaso. Mr DeSibio was not charged with any crime in association with that affair, though ‘his activities remain of interest’ to the PD, according to current Comm’r Jerry Chica. The whereabouts of the couple involved in last night’s disturbance are unknown."

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