LoveKittyCraft Part III: The Book
“Anti-traumatic stimulus” was the name I gave to that which would aid the higher rational mind in overwhelming and suppressing the simpler animal brain. Unfortunately as psychology is still a young field very little research into such forms of stimuli exists. Undaunted by this and at the encouragement of Dr. Peaslee, I turned my eye towards the worlds of art and literature. I spent hours in the Miskatonic University Library educating myself on the subtle nuances of paint and pen. I interviewed professors of fine art, music, dance, any field devoted to the pleasing of the senses. Finally I found myself in the presence of Dr. Wilmarth of the Literature Department, and though while he was distracted by his own research into strange incidents in Vermont, he did direct me towards certain ancient writings hidden within the vaults of the university library. This is how I came to know the terrible secret visions of the Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred and his black book bound in human skin, the infamous Necronomicon.