Legacy (pt 1)
The young girl looked out over the sea, the hood of her cloak hiding her face in a dark shadow as she thought of where to go from here. There had always been many things uncertain in her life, and this was no different.
As her black guild cloack wavered in the wind as if it were nothing more than a simple bedsheet many sights, many people, and many horrors ran rabbid in her mind. From the people that the Dark Lord’s empire had always killed, to the villages she had been forced to watch it burn to the ground.
Death’s Fear, that is what the citizens of other nations and empires had been calling him since he first slaughtered the village his son governed, and his own flesh and blood son, when he would not kill his wife and starve the village.
Aye, the Emperor was a madman at best, but he was an intelligent madman as well. Of the many a hundred assassination attempts not a single of the “sins” as they were called amoung the Guild and it’s informents had even made it past his defenses. That must change./c