Ascension: Gunboat Diplomat
“Now let’s pretend the rebels won,” Ishikawa suggested.
Reckall gazed at him blandly. “What then?”
“We repair and fuel the shuttles. If necessary, cannibalize one for parts for the other. We all fly to Juno. That’s it.”
“Nothing else?”
“You and your crew do as you like.”
“And you?”
“We’ll go after the Synod. That’s who this is all about, commander. Murderers. Ship-killers. Slavers. Somebody has to fight them. The USNE certainly won’t. You will never avenge the people who died today. That is, unless you join us. Your battle-cyborgs could change the balance of power.”
The drone suit at Reckall’s shoulder turned its blank stare towards Ishikawa at that, but Reckall waved it off.
“You are asking me to turn my remaining crew to mutiny, Captain. That remains a capital offence in the USNE, as it should be.”
“I hope you enjoy teaching, commander.”