
So many and yet, none.

Facebook. Filled with photos, videos, likes and pokes. But in this wealth of cyber expressions, there is that emptiness that I don’t get. When the status page asks how you feel and think, you write without hesitation. And yet, you refuse to tell your friends your true emotions when they are facing you. You can chat hours on the messenger when in real life, even a few seconds of silence makes your eyes wander away. I see so many heads bowed, fingers attached to their phones, in their little bubbles. People share different contents but don’t share time in person.
Tap. Tap. Scroll…Will there be a world where people can manage to not be social in person, but be social inside a social network. One day when letters disappear and emoticons take over to express how one feels. Will technology make our lives so convenient that we don’t ever care for it? We have so many friends on Facebook. But, how many faces did you see, just today?

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