Facebook can be such a disease.. as a time waster..and as you point out, an inferiority complex waiting to happen! Still, so many get on and take great pleasure in sharing, trolling, liking, and stalking. There needs to be a balance.
Loved it! It definitely made me smile not only from the humor but just the reality of it. I see this every day on Facebook. I definitely agree with you in terms of character limits, I know this is only Micro Fiction but it’s so hard to stay within the constraints. I guess that’s what Prequels and Sequels are for :)
A piece very much in the style of much of what is on Facebook today. You capture the frenetic mood of the medium well and the consequence that life seems barely conprehensible through that lens.
I agree with ethelfrog (who has, conveniently, posted pretty much the same comment that I would have). The jittery, jumpy style fits the subject matter perfectly.